I had no idea it took dozens of people to start a startup in the 90s! Wow!

I've always hated Grammarly - I think it simply changes the meaning of what you write, rather than improving it.

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I'm learning about AI through your experiences. Great job writing this! And I am enjoying getting to "know" you and your besties. 72 yr. old female here, btw. Keep up the good work.

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AI + legal services is getting the most traction on my podcast. Fascinating to watch.

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I like using ChatGPT for emails, typically I describe the gist of what I want to reply and tell it e.g. make it polite but not too formal.

Use of AI to automate coding in large companies is somewhat limited by privacy and intellectual property considerations. It will accelerate when coding assistance models can be hosted on-prem.

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Great piece, Jason! This is the first of your writing that I've read .. found you via ALL IN. Keep up the awesome work!

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Nice, love your writing and look forward to seeing you at the All In Summit!

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Great read! Thanks for writing!

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Idea abortion: If I have a chatbot chat up a first draft for me, I can attack that draft line by line and make it more “me.” But how many nascent ideas just got aborted, emergent ideas that would have been born during the long, slow, intrepid exploration that we insult with the label “rough draft”? World-class writer-thinkers, the future Shakespeares and Tolkeins and Philip K Dicks and Ernest Beckers, and excellent writer-thinkers like Jason Calacanis, should take a deep breath … take the plunge … do the work.

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AI feels like it rhymes with the California Gold Rush of the late 1840's- amazing and devastating at the same time. The Gold Rush helped to revitalize the economy (pulled the US out of nasty recession), The lasting positive effects of the Gold Rush include the growth of manufacturing and service industries, the development of new transportation networks, and the growth of cities in California--but it also led to inflation, social problems, and environmental damage.

My hope is that AI would unleash a new wave of entrepreneurs by reducing the friction to research new markets and how to set up businesses quickly and efficiently. Perhaps over time the initially delflatiioeary impulse of AI hiring freeze would thaw out to a balance labor market that gives more humans the opportunity to do what we do best- be creative and inventive.

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Many of the same problems we saw when first transitioning to PCs/VoIP/Networking will occur with their initial transition to AI. The biggest that I see is people being burned by making the wrong choice. Many people choose TokenRing over Ethernet an got burned. Many people choose H323 over SIP and got burned.

This will happen with AI and just knowing that you can make the wrong choice (ie users of TokenRing Novell Networks had to throw out all that equipment and investment) but STILL be successful is essential. Making NO choice today is the only WRONG choice.

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